Get ready for the Winter 2020 Empire Games

Get ready for the Winter 2020 Empire Games

Strap your snowboards! The Empire Games + Super Demos are coming back with a bang this year! The same crazy race formula we all know and love, but with new features, crazier concepts, totally mental courses, unusual challenges, professional snowboarding demonstrations, live music performances and more.

The best thing about the Empire Games is that the event is for everyone. Pro, amateur, beginner, men, women, dad, mom, grom... There's something for everybody! Come through for a day you won't forget.

Presented by Monster Energy, Burton and Swatch and in collaboration with Oakley and Volcom, the Empire games 2020 will be a totally unique experience. If you are part of those who have already entered snowboard competitions before, know that the Empire Games are something you have never seen or experienced before. No matter if you are a professional or an amateur, the Empire Games represent the best snowboarding competition there is, guaranteed.

How it works?

For those who don't know the Empire Games yet, here's how it works: A race on a funky an unique course built by the best snowpark building company there is : Today’s Parks. Three categories: Open, women and 15 and under. A random draw to determine which rider will choose his side of the track first and then a run followed by an elimination. With only three competitors left at the end, the first to cross the finish line will then be named winner of the 2020 Empire Games. The Key to success: Get to the finish line as fast as possible.

New this year

We are proud to announce that we added a bunch of new features for you at this year’s Games. First of all, the races will include 3 riders instead of 2, making it even more intense and crazy. The 2020 Empire Games also mark the addition of the Expression Session Rail Jam, an invitational shred session featuring some of the best snowboarders of the province. This will be one hell of a show. This year, we also got musical performances to close the night with Quebec legends such as Sans Pression and Alaclair Ensemble.



Everyone can enter

In addition to our one of a kind concept and new 2020 features, we'd like to mention that the Empire Games events were created so everyone can get his share of fun. You don't have to be a pro to enter the contest, all you need is a bit a courage and a lot of determination! The snowboarders who will be able to «beat the Games» will even go home with a nice amount of money. Yes, we have $2000 ($1000 Women/$1000 Men) plus a bunch of prizes from our sponsors to give away this year.

February 15th - Stoneham

To kick off this season, the first Empire Games event will take place in Stoneham, in the beautiful region of Quebec, on February 15th. Year after year, Stoneham welcomes us with open arms and treats us like family. There was no doubt we would return to this dream mountain for this edition of the Empire Games. Trust us, good times are waiting for you there. Check out the video below for a glimpse of last year's Empire Games in Stoneham.

Click HERE for the Empire Games Stoneham Schedule →

March 7th - Bromont

For the second and ultimate Empire Games event of the season, we go back to our roots with a day at our local mountain, Bromont, montagne d'experience. For a glimpse of the atmosphere and the vibe at last year's Empire Games Bromont, check out the video below and meet us at the bottom of the slopes on March 7th for a day you’re not about to forget.

Click HERE for the Empire Games Bromont Schedule →

The Super Demos

That's not all! You don't even have to do the contest to enjoy the Games. In addition to our unique competition, one of a kind course and innovative concept, the Empire Games also means you’ll be able to try some of the best up and coming products on the market during our Super Demos, which will be held on the same days as the Empire Games competitions, February 15th and March 7th at both Stoneham and Bromont's mountains.

The concept is pretty simple… The best snowboard brands available on the market will have booths at the bottom of the hill with hundreds of new products for you to try for free. If you like to test out snowboard gear before buying it, the Super Demo is for you. An opportunity to try out some exclusive products that will only be out next year. Here are the brands that will be at Stoneham and Bromont for the Empire Super Demos 2020:

Vans, Lib Tech, Gnu, Arbor, Union, Capita, Burton, Anon, Salomon, Electric, Dragon, Yes, Now, Jones, Bataleon, Bent Metal, Nitro, Spy, Oakley, DC, Rome, Monster, Swatch, Volcom.

With the support of Monster Energy, Burton, Swatch, Oakley and Volcom, we prepared two events that will certainly stay engraved in your memory forever. At the bottom of the mountain or at the top, something fun is waiting for you at the Empire Games. Whether you live in the region of Quebec or not, come see us next February 15th at Stoneham for a unique snowboard experience, a possibility to go home with some cash in your pockets and a 100% chance of having a good time.