Philippe Lajeunesse - Empire Blog writer
I met Scaner, aka Scan, aka Scando, aka Mr.Candoo, aka Alex on a professional level at first, but he and I bonded so good, we instantly became friends. We both had that passion, that vision and a deep, deep love for what we did. A passion that kept us from sleeping at night, a vision that sometimes went further than what our bodies could endure, a love for work that brought us together on a lot of different levels and occasions that I will never, ever forget. Scan was shining in every domain he was exploring: Art galleries, murals, house painting, commercial projects, canvas and more, but has always remained true to his original vocation: The streets. I think that's what made him such a well-respected artist all over the world. Beyond his enormous street cred, Alex Scaner was one of the best humans I had the pleasure of meeting. He was funny, kind, patient, always smiling and had an admirable set of values. It's simple, everyone loved Scan. Including me. This is the reason why we decided to honour him with this tribute. I will never forget the countless hours he spent at my house painting all over my doors and walls. He was almost my roommate at some point! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the quality moments you and I got to spend together. I love you Scan!Phil Grisé – Empire founder
Benny Wilding
Alex Scaner was a long-time crew mate, a friend and above all, a brother. I don’t think I would be doing graffitis or murals today if it wasn’t for Alex. He always inspired me and motivated me to keep going and to progress in my art. He also showed me that you never back down from anything in life and that anything is possible. He had strong principles that influenced my everyday life.
I believe that people where magnetized by his strong personality wherever he travelled in the world because he was such a good person and had incredible talent as an artist. He had such a strong presence in the streets wherever he was, it was unreal.
I will never forget my 18th birthday, when he surprised me by stashing a ladder on a rooftop downtown and gave me the prime corner spot of the roof as we painted alongside all night above all the graffitis under us. I will always remember Scan for bringing nothing but great times and for being an inspiration my whole life. He will always remind me to keep going in whatever I endeavor.
Thank you for everything you brought into my life. For forging me into a better person and better artist, for being there when times were hard and for all the amazing moments we shared. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to have crossed path with you. We will see each other again one day my brother.
Since you left, everything is calm in the city... Just like if the song kept playing, but someone had cut the bass... It’s a major piece that we just lost there! If graffiti Olympics existed, you would have been the captain of team MTL... You have incarnated your passion and made your power resonate throughout the whole world.
Your life was too brief, but even in such a short time you succeeded at building your visual empire and marking people as much as the walls around you! I will always love you my brother, you will remain a source of inspiration and an example to follow for all of us, forever...
It's weird, but since you left, there hasn’t been one rainy day in Montreal at all. Only sunny days! I keep telling myself that the good weather is your last gift to us, so we can paint all we want in your honor!
Rest In Paint Mr.Candoo
Scan is the person with the greatest passion for graffitis I've ever known. Which is a lot to say knowing that 90% of the people I know do graffs. His fire and work ethic were two things that inspired me to the highest degree. He was like the James Brown of graffiti: "The hardest working man in the game".
I know he was a bit geeked when we first met at a party in Rosemont and I signed his book, but it was such an honor for me. As much as when I signed one of his books on the last time I saw him.
Rest easy, bro.
Scan and I, we never fought. Once I embraced the fact that he was always late, I simply added 30-45 min the meeting time and everything was cool. His dedication to the culture and versatility made him the all-around respected artist that we know. I think he loved all aspects of the game a lot of people identified with him in our community.
Alex had a huge impact on me on so many levels. A couple years ago, we bumped into each other at a friend’s house. We hadn't seen each other in years. We catched up a bit and realized we were both self-employed painters and artists. We started working together the next day and stayed in touch ever since.
One time, he got a gig where he was asked to do his own stuff inside of a bar and had pretty much freedom to do whatever he wanted with a proper budget. He rocked it. At that moment, I realized the blessing of not having to conform to a client's vision but instead, the client reaching out for what is already you. That was a turning point in my life. Around the same time, he met Phil (Grisé) and we started doing fun projects with him and other partners. He went all in and always gave his 110%. He also impacted my art in ways that are hard to describe.
Sometimes, (everytime) we would go to small cities for events or graff jams. We'd party and drink all night and wake up early the next day with scandalous tags and hits everywhere right around the hotel or venue. Not subtle stuff. He'd wake up and be like: "Oh shit...What did I do again..." Then he'd buy supplies, match the colors of the walls like a designer and buff himself guerilla-style without being seen by the owners.
Scan always left a door opened for surprises and detours in whatever endeavor he was on. He was a risk taker and his passion and dedication is still contagious. I remember him for connecting people together and always trying to resolve conflicts. He was fun to be around in every type of situation.
Shout out to everybody who painted tributes and paid homage to Scan worldwide. To his wife, family, friends and partners that stuck through tough times.
When I told my mom the story, she cried and said: "He's like a Chef…" (A boss). She didn't know, but "Le Chef" was his nickname!
Vinny Success
I met Scan for the first time during a Dyske exhibition in Montreal. I also met the guys from his original crew (DA) for the first time that night, who then became my good friends. There was a wall to make tags in the exhibition, but there was no more room left on it. Scan gave me a marker and said: "Are you Probe? Go ahead, you can tag in the space left in my N". Just like if Micheal Jackson gave you the microphone to sing a duet with him. I was star-struck!
When I was younger and writing a lot, he was THE guy we admired. Scan was "UP all city". He was everywhere. Tags, burners, throw-ups, pieces, trains, walls, billboards… He was already a legend at that time. We lost sight of each other for a while, but recently, we both started working on projects for Empire. Then we got a lot closer and we reconnected. We were two workaholics, but most of all, we both had major love fo what we did: him for art and me for streetwear. We had great dreams and we both motivated each other in order to reach them.
There is only one way to earn respect in the graffiti world: You must deserve it. Scan worked his whole life and gave all his energy to his art for the simple reason that he loved it. Respect came naturally, not only because he is ultra-talented, but mostly because he is a generous and unique human. Everyone likes Scan, but the world loves Alex, the man behind Scan even more. The proof is that on social medias, Scan tribute pieces are popping from all corners of the globe. In Europe, in the States, in Canada. The whole graffiti scene was a fan of Scan.
I will always remember that one time when we all went to that open-house party. We didn’t know anybody. At one point, as I headed outside, I saw Scan in the kitchen cooking snails! I said: "Yo Scan, what are you doing here?" He replied with a smile: "Well, I'm hungry man. I found canned snails in the pantry, I’m grilling them with garlic butter!" Wow! I never laughed that hard. And his snails were bomb!
I spent a lot of time with Scan during his last weeks, and I had the chance to listen to him and soak up some of his knowledge. He saw life so clearly and understood things that no one understood about its meaning. I would like to thank him for the good times he has given me and all his friends. He was unique, extravagant, loud and funny, that's why everyone loved him.
I want to offer my condolences to his parents, his brother and especially his wife Karine. She was the pillar that made and kept him happy during the last few years. She was so strong and present for him. If Alex left happy, It’s because of Karine. He told us before he left, he was happy, in peace, ready to go. Rest in peace Scan, the whole planet is in mourning.
Oh yeah, and say what's up at Dock when you see him in Paradise!